Thursday, September 6, 2018

Myanmar’s lies debunked here in so call fabricated Hindu massacre in northern Maungdaw

By @mir_sidiquee
All those dead bodies are innocent Rohingya Muslims villagers rather than 11 to 12 are innocent Rohingya Hindus, massively killed on 25 August 2017,  then buried on 26 August 2017 morning time by Myanmar military, unearthed again after about one month, to blame to ARSA.

The Myanmar military has unearthed dead bodies of Rohingyas on 24-25 September 2017 and blamed to the Rohingya militants (ARSA) and also said dead bodies are Hindus as usual, then hired some Hindus to follow as military’s instruction. Hindus are also called Rohingya Hindus, ever under oppression of Myanmar’s junta.

Thus, the Hindus took opportunity to have something and rights to stay peacefully in the country. Therefore they have followed the perpetrators (Myanmar Military) but the realities behind these dead bodies were as follows.
There are many sources to know about those dead bodies.

“The dead bodies must be checked DNA and Forensic” as Rohingya activists called for it repeatedly but Myanmar government has ignored as usual.

Eye witness, a police officer said “17 of the dead bodies were with beard, no Hindus are with beard in Myanmar. No women’s dead bodies were with SARI, Hindu women used to wear only SARI in Myanmar (name hidden for security reason).

Hindus (names hidden for security reason) witnessed about the mass killing of Yebaw Kya as below: “While ARSA militants were crossing our village, military were following them. As soon they entered into the village the military have started shelling on them but they have escaped as they now hidden paths to escape, died 11 to 12 Hindus on spot including 2 children and 2 women. Then they fought continuously, military backed to the Muslim village around and killed every one they found. The next day they have buried all dead bodies in mass graves”. 

Fabricated Hindu Massacre debunked:

Moreover in the video clips, the military has used “Kala” as usually used to call Muslims only, not to the Hindus. It has clearly proved the dead bodies were not Hindus but Muslims rather than 11 to 12.

Read the following articles, to know about those dead bodies, the government has blamed on Muslim militants.
Who really attacked the Rohingya Hindus in Rakhine?
Dead bodies must be investigated by International Investigation Commission
Mass graves found in far north of Maundaw