Monday, September 17, 2018

Rohingya refugees: “We are in fear of lives in camps”

Zamir Hosain, Rohingya refugee
Rohingya refugees in the camps of southern Cox’s Bazaar are in fear of lives as abduction and slaughtering innocent Rohingya refugees are increased rapidly.

“Who are those? Who are responsible for such abductions? Is Bangladesh not doing enough?” tweeted Rohingya activist @mir_sidiquee.

Zamir Hosain (younger brother of Amir Hosain) s/o Zafar Alam from Block B of Kutupalong Registered Rohingya Refugees Camp, he has been kidnaped on 13-09-2018 (Thursday) evening after Magrib prayer from drainage between Block B and D of the camp.

Learn that both sons of Zafar Alam, Amir Hosain and Zamir Husain, are teachers, teaching in the schools of refugees camp.

On 16-09-2018, found the victim at beneath the bridge of Balukhali, in terrible situation, only at last breathe. Now he is in hospital.

Sources said the victim’s family has paid 60,000 Taka to return him alive. Also learn that kidnappers were with uniforms of Bangladeshi security forces as usual.
Molana Abdullah, a prominent religious figure, Sheikhul Hadeeth, has been kidnaped on 28/07/2018, still no news where about.

There are more cases similar, happening almost every day along the Rohingya refugee camps of southern Cox’s Bazaar.
Rohingya camp leader murdered in Ukhiya:
Rohingya refugees are not safe in Bangladesh too:

“Myanmar’s lobby teams are in active along Rohingya refugee camps, registered Rohingya refugees and local Bangladeshis with security forces (in lower level) are playing the games, to be tarnished Rohingya refugees, using tactics as government of Myanmar has played with us” a Rohingya refugee elder who doesn’t want to be named for security reason. “Bangladeshi security forces can stop and even can arrest them within hours but we don’t know why they are still leaving them to do such crimes against poor and victims of genocide” he more added.