Date: 23/11/2016
Maungdaw — The Burmese troops burnt down an ancient mosque
and 15 more Rohingya homes at the village of Dar Gyi Zar in northern Maungdaw
on Tuesday morning.
The mosque burnt down was a 200 years-old mosque known as
‘Ibrahim Masjid’ located between the villagers of ‘Dar Gyi Zar’ and ‘Thara
The homes burnt down were a few remaining homes at the North
hamlet of Dar Gyi Zar, that had survived the fire set by the Burmese troops on
November 13 and 14.
Some of the homes destroyed in the fire belonged to the
following people.
Rahim (son of) Shomshu
Mustakh Ahmed (son of) Shura Meah
Mohammed Ali (son of) Abdul Gaffar
Mohammed Johar (son of) Abdul Rahman
Abdu Salam (son of) Abdul Rahman
Mv Nurul Islam (son of) ?
Sufiya Khatun (daughter of) ?
Bani Amin (son of) ?
Idiris (son of) Kabir Ahmed
Mohammed Nabi (son of) Abdu Jalil
Abdu Shukkor (son of) Abdu Jalil
The Burmese troops have killed hundreds of civilians,
arrested more 1,000 innocent villagers, raped at least 80 women and burnt down
more than 3,000 homes displacing at 30,000 people in the pretext of ‘Clearance
Operation’ or the Hunt-Down on the alleged militants responsible for October 9
raid on three Border Guard Police (BGP) posts.
[Edited by M.S. Anwar]