Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Date 21/11/2016

The Myanmar authority is targeting innocent Rohingya civilians without thorough investigation, in northern Rakhine State, for unknown assailant’s attacks of police out-posts on Oct 9, 2016.

We, Rohingya organizations are seriously concerned with those peoples who are facing all kinds of atrocities such as mass killings, rapes, lootings, abductions, forced evictions, beatings, burning of homes and religious scriptures, generally terrorizing and labeling as extremist to the innocent civilian Rohingyas.

Myanmar government’s plans for all Rohingyas are: 1-to kill, 2-to drive out, 3-to enslave forever, 4-to keep in squalid IDP camps forever, & 5-to deport to the third country. Moreover, as the nationalist monks are thirsty for the blood of Rohingyas, the government and its arm forces are in practical to follow their instructions.

Within these two weeks big quantities of innocent Rohingya civilians including women and children are killed by firing heavy arms, even fired rocket launchers from helicopters, also used Naval forces too. Rohingya babies have been thrown into flaming fire; many peoples have been burnt to dead. About 50,000 of Rohingyas are left homeless, thousands are injured, and no medical teams accessed there, about a thousand houses have been burnt by firing launchers. The government is denying flatly denying and continued towards into all the villages of northern Arakan state.

Unfortunately, the international communities are failed to respond effectively to the violations of International Laws and the United Nations Charter and the perpetrators (Government of Myanmar) of these horrible crimes are continuously conducting the crimes against humanity including genocide.

Our (Rohingya Organizations) call to the International Communities and United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution, to save the lives of millions of Rohingya living in Arakan.

1. To take urgent steps, to stop the violations against innocent Rohingya civilians, under R2P principle.
2. To stop arbitrary arrest and labeling as terrorist to the innocent Rohingyas.
3. To stop extra-judicial killing as soon as possible.
4. To allow international media teams to take real information of the ground, conflict area.
5. To allow international medical teams to cure the lives of injured peoples along conflict area.
6. To allow free and unfettered access for regional and international humanitarian agencies to provide relief and support to the victims of the violence and internally displaced peoples.
7. To form a Fact Finding Commission with international and national bodies under supervision of United Nations to investigate the committed crimes against Rohingya.

Rohingya Organizations
1. Rohingya Youth Union of India (RYU-IND)
2. Rohingya Patriotic Association (RPA)
3. Rohingya International Welfare Association (RIWA)
4. Rohingya Youth Education Foundation (RYEF)
5. Madina Rohingya Center (MRC)
6. Rohingya Educational and Welfare Society (REWS)
7. Rohingya Youth Association (RYA)
8. Arakan Muslim Council (AMC)
9. Rohingya Help Association (RHA)
10. Arakan Rohingya Youth Association (ARYA)
11. Rohingya Human Rights and Media Team (RHRMT)
12. Rohingya Muslim Welfare Association (RMWA)

For more information, contact here:
Mir Ahmed Siddiquee, Mobile: +966-548220239; E-mail: mir120571@gmail.com

Aung Myint,                 Mobile: +966-505264386; E-mail: inforpa2013@gmail.com