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John McKissick of the UN refugee agency in Bangladesh says
“Armed forces"
have been killing Rohingya in Rakhine state, forcing many to flee to neighboring Bangladesh” on Nov 24, 2016. (Photo – BBC) |
By Aung Aung
Myanmar Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva, U Htin Linn had called
on Assistant High Commissioner of the UNHCR and lodged a protest against a
UNHCR personnel John McKissick who is based at Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh in
connection to allegations made against Myanmar Government in an interview by
BBC which appeared in news on 24 November.
The action not only breaches the code of conduct of UN
personnel but also undermined the trust and confidence placed and the
cooperation extended to the UNHCR by Myanmar. Protesting comments of John
McKissick, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to remind code of conduct
while Myanmar Government is ignoring international laws, committing crimes
against humanity, and perpetrating Rohingya Genocide through genocidal
Myanmar government has been perpetrating genocide against
Rohingya; using Nazi-like policies and ultranationalist belief, military junta
formed NaSaKa to exterminate all Rohingya, Thein Sein government organized 2012
violence and keeps them all in the ghetto, and now new civilian government is
using clearance operations; mass killing, gang-raping, burning, torturing of
innocent Rohingya civilians in Northern Maungdaw that caused thousands of
people flee to Bangladesh.
Whatever John McKissick said during the interview are
absolutely correct, rather respecting code of conduct, he lessened atrocities
of Myanmar government. Though legal experts from the International State Crime
Initiative pointed out the crime of genocide, State Counsellor, Aung San Suu
Kyi ignores international laws and has been trying to conceal atrocities of
Burmese army.
Since October 10, 2016, Myanmar troops are killing innocent
civilians, shooting them without asking any question to them, slaughtering
children and throwing them into the flames, gang-raping women and girls to
death, burning and looting homes of Rohingya civilians, and forcing them to
leave the country. The Myanmar troops expelled the IDPs of MaungNama live in
self-made tents using tarpaulin, raped 10 Rohingya girls on 25.11.2016.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi empowers the military and the racist
Buddhists to carry out ethnic cleansing of Rohingya denying their existence and
history. Helicopter gunships, torching hundreds of homes, carrying out
arbitrary arrests, raping of women and girls, and looting their properties by
Myanmar military and Border Guards push them to flee to Bangladesh where they
explained about atrocities of Burmese army to Mr. John McKissick.
As a true human, he has to raise his voice to save Rohingya.
Because Bangladesh authority have cracked down on the flow of Rohingya forcibly
returning them and sealed its border. The UN estimates that 30,000 Rohingya
have been displaced from their homes since the 9 October but ground source said
the number would be more than double.
Myanmar government does not want to open access to
independent observers, human rights monitors and reliable journalists. Daw Aung
San Suu Kyi has denied all allegations of human rights violations by her military,
not only that she also blocked access to humanitarian aid to Minbya, MyeBon,
Kyauktaw, Pauktaw, and Rathedaung and effectively barred independent
journalists from entering the area.
Recent Bomb blasts in Yangon might be a place of military to
target Muslims. The mythical international community has known the persecution
of the Rohingyas for decades, in fact since 1970’s. There is plenty of evidence
and documentation from the Rohingyas, from human rights organizations such as
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, embassy reports, UN reports, etc.
But the UN has failed to take any real and concrete measures
or actions to stop a member state violating blatantly all major international
human rights laws and treaties. Genocidal operations against innocent Rohingya
civilians by Myanmar military going on.
Today, on 27.11.2016 at 9 AM, notorious troops went to Da
Gyi Sar Village Tract of Maungdaw where Rohingya IDPs live in their self-made
tents miserably, and plundered three Rohingya girls to rape. At the same time,
army and border guards burnt down paddy fields of Rohingya villagers in Kyauk
Pyin Seik and surrounding areas of Rathedaung, arrested 7 innocent villagers.
Isn’t it State’s plan to kill them of starvation? According
a victim who was released recently, there are 200 Rohingya, naked, tortured and
in critical condition inside the headquarter of Border Guard.
As in a Rohingya proverb “Those who urge others to clean
properly though their own bodies consist full of filth are unjust people” Myanmar
remind UN officer about code of conduct and conceal its own crimes against
Rohingya. Denial of crimes perpetrated by Myanmar army, banning humanitarian
aid to effected area and international investigation, blaming Human Rights
Organizations and UN officers are evidence of State’s sponsored Rohingya