Saturday, May 6, 2017

Fanatic Monk Wirathu Holds Close-Door Meeting with Border Guard Police in Maungdaw

By Rohingya Eye | May 6, 2017
Maungdaw — Wirathu, a fanatic Burmese Buddhist Monk, held a close-door meeting with the Myanmar Border Guard Police (BGP) in Maungdaw on Thursday (May 4).

It was held in the BGP headquarter and attended by abbot Wirathu and monks accompanying him; Brigadier General Thura San Lwin, the Commander of BGP; and other top BGP officials. What were discussed in the meeting hasn’t been disclosed.

The visit by the extremist and anti-Muslim monk to the violence-hit Rakhine State (formerly called Arakan state) has created worries and fears among local Muslims.

“It’s absolutely alright if he comes here to preach religion and on other purposes. But he preaches more hatred than religion. We fear his visit will incite Rakhine Buddhists to launch attacks on us.

“Besides, what is more worrying is his meeting with the BGP. There is no point for a religious figure to meet with members of armed forces. Especially, at a place which was an epicenter of violence during October and November last year”, said a Rohingya youth in Maungdaw on the condition of anonymity.

Wirathu arrived in Sittwe around 1 PM on May 3 and from there, he arrived in southern Maungdaw at around 4 PM on the same day.  He temporarily stopped at the monastery of ‘Inn Din (locally called Aan Daang)’ in southern Maungdaw, where he conducted a session of religious sermons. During his sermons, he reportedly abused Aung San Suu Kyi for saying that **the problems in Rakhine state dates back to 18th Century during her ongoing trip in Europe.

At around 7 PM, he arrived at the downtown of Maungdaw and is reported to have stayed at the monastery of ‘Myoma Kyaung Htaik’ at night.

The next day, he held a meeting with the Border Guard Police (BGP) at their head-quarter in the village of ‘Kyikanpyin’. After that, he visited Rakhine Buddhist villages in northern Maungdaw and donated packs of rice to the villagers.

On Friday (May 5), he visited Buthidaung ending his three-day visit to Rakhine State. Wirathu has been labeled as the face of Buddhist Terror by TIME Magazine.

Note: ** Stating the problems in Rakhine state dates back to 18th Century implies that Muslim Rohingyas were present in now-called Rakhine state prior to 1823 and hence, they are as equal citizens (Taiyyin Thar) as Rakhines or any other ethnic groups in Burma (now-called Myanmar), according to 1982 Citizenship Law.