Thursday, May 4, 2017

Implement Annan Commission report: OIC

4 May, 2017
A meeting of the senior officials of the countries belonging to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Jeddah adopted a resolution expressing ‘serious concern’ over the situation of Rohingya Muslim population in the Northern Rakhine State of Myanmar.

In the resolution adopted on Tuesday, a foreign ministry press release said yesterday that the 57-member OIC called for early implementation of recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Northern Rakhine State led by Kofi Annan, and also restoration of Citizenship Act of Myanmar to provide opportunity to Muslim minorities there and sustainable repatriation of Rohingyas from Bangladesh to the Northern Rakhine State.

The senior officials meeting preparatory to 44th Session of Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of OIC, which ended on Tuesday, adopted the resolution along with a number of resolutions.

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque represented Bangladesh in the meeting.
The meeting decided on many important issues of Muslim Ummah for betterment of lives of Muslim Ummah in the OIC member states.

A draft resolution was unanimously adopted welcoming the bid of Bangladesh for hosting the 45th session of the (CFM) of the 57-member organisation which will take place in Dhaka in the second quarter of 2018.
After the inauguration of the meeting, the foreign secretary called on OIC Secretary-General Dr Yousef A Al-Othaimeen on the sidelines of the meeting. The secretary general accepted the invitation of Bangladesh to visit the country at the earliest.

Also read here: OIC for sustainable repatriation of Rohingyas from Bangladesh: