Tuesday, May 9, 2017

PM urges Myanmar to solve Rohingya issue

Outgoing Myanmar Ambassador in Dhaka Myo Myint calls on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at Gono Bhaban in Dhaka on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. Photo: PID
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today urged the outgoing Myanmar Ambassador in Dhaka Myo Myint Than to convey the message to his government to find out a solution to repatriation of the Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh.

"Together we should find out a solution to resolve the issue," the prime minister said when the ambassador made a farewell call on her at Gono Bhaban in Dhaka today.

"As a neighbour we always want to resolve the issue through dialogue," the prime minister also said.

Briefing reporters after the meeting, PM's Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim said the prime minister reiterated Bangladesh's position on the Rohingya issue saying the refugees are creating social and environmental pressure on Bangladesh.

There are many undocumented Rohingya refugees living in Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina said adding that Rohingyas are also living in a very inhumane condition.

Pointing out the singing of the peace accord with insurgents in Chittagong Hill Tracts, the prime minister said Bangladesh brought back its refugees peacefully from India under the agreement.

The press secretary said in the meeting the prime minister laid emphasis on strengthening cooperation with Myanmar as a neighbour to further boost economic ties.

In this regard, the prime minister gave importance to activating the joint trade commission and cargo shipping service between the two countries.

"We don't allow our soil to be used against neighbours," Sheikh Hasina said pointing out her government's zero tolerance toward terrorism.

Bangladesh always gives value to its relations with the neighbours, she said adding that "in recent times we have been firm in disallowing our country to the armed insurgent groups of Myanmar."

Related news also read here: Hasina urges Myanmar to resolve Rohingya issue thru’ dialogue: http://www.theindependentbd.com/post/93881 
The outgoing Myanmar ambassador said his government is serious to resolve the Rohingya issue and agreed to execute some recommendations of the Kofi Annan Commission in this regard.

The envoy said some of the recommendations are difficult to implement. However, the Myanmar government is serious to come to a solution on the issue, he said.

The prime minister extended her invitation to Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi to visit Bangladesh.