Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rohingya in ZERO points are in risk of life

“Their requests & Demands are acceptable”
By @mir_sidiquee
18 Feb 2018
The situation of the refugees living in the No Man's Land has worsened after the visit of a team of delegates from the Myanmar government

Warnings are blasted out through loud speakers throughout the day, and shots are fired at night at the Rohingya refugees living in No Man’s Land at Taung Pyo between Bangladesh and Myanmar.

Voice of Rohingya Refugees at ZERO point by Rohingya Magazine, said as below: (Translation of video clip)
1-Due to continuous genocide by Myanmar’s security forces to our Rohingyas, we (about 6000 Rohingyas) are escaped to the Taung Pyo ZERO point (no man’s land) to save life.
2-We are too thanks and pleased to the govt of Bangladesh, Army, BGB and public for giving us all humanitarian assistance since August 25, 2017.
3-Since beginning of this month (February 2018), about 300 of Myanmar & BGP are camped on the mountains of near the fence between two countries. They ordered to move us from the ZERO point, same time blind firing gunshot at night, shouting, throwing wine bottles and throwing stones, etc., such several kinds of harassments and frightening are going on us, whole 24 hours of every days. We are too afraid of Myanmar’s security forces for life.
4-If we don’t move from this ZERO point, our life will be in risk then we can face second time mass killing as last 25 August again here. We are too afraid of Myanmar’s security forces for life.
5-About 1 million Rohingyas are fled from Arakan for life and temporarily residing in Bangladesh. We are too escaped for ongoing state run genocide and attacks of Rakhine Buddhists; want to stay with them as refugees in Bangladesh. It is our request.
6-Our request to Bangladesh PM, mother of Humanity Sheikh Hasina Wajid and Government, Army, BGB and Public, Concerned Global Organizations and Rohingya activists is “to save our life by moving us to other place.”

Moreover The Commanding Officer (CO) of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) visited to the Rohingyas at the zero point on February 17, 2018. He also said that “must move from zero point and receive NVC that the government of Myanmar wants.”

The NVC is one of most dangerous plan and root cause of Rohingya genocide, even forcing for Begalization, the root cause of ongoing Rohingya influx and genocide.

The Rohingyas said in reply to the BGB commanding officer, “We will not return from here until or unless the Myanmar government ensures our citizenship rights with our ethnic name ‘Rohingya’. We will die here by poison rather than to return without our citizenship rights and dignity. We are indigenous people of Arakan (now Rakhine) state for centuries”.

Also they have raised their voice & demands as: Watch: as below:
 Their Demands are in (brief):
1-UNSC led Peace Keeping Force must be deployed for Rohingya’s life security in Rakhine State before repatriation.
2-Rohingya’s ethnicity must be restored before repatriation.
3-UN, EU, OIC & US are must involve in Rohingya repatriation.
4-Rehabilitation must be into own village and own yards.
5-Compensation of loses must be paid & must return the confiscated lands.
6-Must allow Global Medias, HRW and Humanitarian Oragnizations into Arakan freely.
The above demands are concerning their basic human rights. As 1st one, is too important for their life security, Myanmar govt and its Buddhist peoples are non-stop attacking and killing remaining Rohingyas, atrocities continued, still fleeing Rohingyas every day in 100s. The other four demands are too important for every human as Myanmar govt has been manipulated with them before twice.

If Myanmar govt is really wants to be peace and stable the land for persecuted Rohingyas, their demands are acceptable and their rights to demand as human been living since many generations.