Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Zero-Point: Rohingya Refused Forced Repatriation

Zero-point: Around 7000 Rohingya taking temporary refuge at the zero point area of no man land have been forced to be repatriated without restoring any of their rights to the newly internally displaced peoples’ camp (IDPs) constructed recently in Maungdaw, Arakan (Rakhine) State.
Yesterday (20th Feb) at around 1:40 PM a team of Bangladeshi Police and Burmese mixed forces arrived at the zero point area and started to force Rohingya to return back amid ongoing fire in their own villages.

Moreover, they set conditions like; they cannot go back to their own original places and have to accept the illegal National Verification Cards (NVC).

In response to such threats and illegal demands, Rohingyas have rejected to return as they already faced severe intolerable persecution, which forced them to take journey towards the zero-point.
Bangladesh & Myanmar delegation visits ZERO point
Rohingya refugees on 20 Feb 2018
“We do not want to go if our rights including the citizenship right are not restored. We know if we go without the citizenship in those IDPs, we have to suffer like the Rohingya in Akyab (Sittwe), whom are still lingering since 2012” explains a youth from the area.

This dramatic “Repatriation Process” has trapped the lingering Rohingya in do or dies condition, where from one hand they are forced back to Burma in the ongoing brutal operation. Moreover, on the other hand there are Rohingya stuck at the zero point area and remaining Rohingyas in Arakan (Rakhine) are still seen to be travelling towards Bangladesh for the intolerable military persecution.

Don't miss to listen Mr.Dil Mohammed, a Rohingya activist in ZERO point, interviewed by "AT" on 20-02-2018