Thursday, April 19, 2018

Myanmar’s blaming and denying games glared

By @mir_siddiquee
Myanmar has blamed UN Rights Envoy and Human Rights group on “Report of Amnesty for Soldiers Who Killed Rohingya in Inn Dinn.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Myanmar Yanghee Lee on Wednesday retweeted news report that seven Myanmar military personnel jailed for taking part in a massacre of Rohingya had been released as part of the president’s New Year’s amnesty.

Lee retweeted video footage from Myanmar National Television on her Twitter account on Wednesday, accompanied by the message, “Where is justice? 7 Tadmadaw guilty of Inn Dinn massacre released but the 2 #Reuters journalists remain in prison?” The name Tatmadaw refers to Myanmar’s military.
The report was broadcasted on Myanmar National Television on Wednesday, but was pulled off the air after an hour. MNTV is a government-affiliated broadcaster run by Sky Net. It is owned by Shwe Than Lwin Company, which is chaired by tycoon U Kyaw Win.
Although the MNTV has removed the news, activists are ever online and watching beyond the activities of liars and perpetrators. 
The government has willingly released them as MNTV aired but when the activists blasted the news, Zaw Htay, one of the professional liars of Myanmar woke up and started lying again to hide their foolishness and removed the news from their site. Listen here the news in Burmese. 

Then Myanmar President’s Office spokesman Zaw Htay told to The Irrawaddy by telephone that the MNTV report was totally false. He confirmed that the military prisoners are still in jail. “The news is not true”, he said.

According to official documents, the New Year’s amnesty included 55 army deserters, 29 drug smugglers (including some Rakhine and Muslim convicts), and three people convicted of violating the Unlawful Associations Act.

“It was not a wrong of Ms Lee, because it was aired by Myanmar government’s affiliated MNTV. It is not a misinformation; it is true that they have released them”, Rohingya activist said.

Pyone Kathy Naing, a Lower House NLD lawmaker, said it was wrong of Lee, as a high-profile UN official involved in solving the Rakhine crisis, to retweet misinformation, as it could have a negative impact on the situation.

“She shared the information without knowing whether or not it is true. So, it is very questionable whether she wants to tackle the complexity of the Rakhine issue, or is making it more difficult. Myanmar should make [an official] response,” Pyone Kathy Naing said.

Human rights group Fortify Rights also tweeted: “#Myanmar state-run media announced that seven soldiers convicted for the massacre of #Rohingya in Inn Dinn were free yesterday in a presidential amnesty. Impunity reigns in Myanmar. The time for International Justice is Now.”
“The Myanmar Army sentenced the seven men to 10 years’ imprisonment for the extrajudicial killings in September of 10 Rohingya in the village of Inn Din in southern Maungdaw Township in the north of Rakhine State”, was just to show to the world, is nothing rather than to hide their crimes and to protect perpetrators but glared today in presidential amnesty.

Two local reporters working for Reuters who had investigated the mass killings have been detained since late last year and are now on trial for allegedly violating Myanmar’s Official Secrets Act, is too unfair. Myanmar government should be awarded them for their sincere jobs as good human been within criminals.  

As for Lee, has been barred from entering Myanmar since December. The government and military had blamed that Lee’s reporting on the situation in Myanmar had been biased for about six months leading up to the ban.

The special rapporteur’s mandate requires two visits to Myanmar a year, in order to report to the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly. Since taking up the mandate in June 2014, Lee has visited Myanmar six times.