Wednesday, October 9, 2019

”Myanmar govt is willingly denying Rohingyas” activist

The author @mir_sidiquee said “they (Myanmar) are denying Rohingyas willingly under long term plan to drive out the existing Rohingyas – instead of bring back the escaped, genocide victims about 1 million into Bangladesh - from their home / ancestral land.”
“The government can’t accept the usage of Rohingya because it is in danger of demanding rights such as secession,” said Union Minister U Kyaw Tin of International Cooperation. U Kyaw Tin has pointed out that the Bengalis who left for India were not named as a tribe, but those entering Myanmar were named as only the ethnic group.

PM places 4-point proposal to end Rohingya crisis

“If the Bengalis are named as an ethnic group, they will demand fundamental rights mentioning they are ethnics and hold referendums in the long run. They will make use of their political objectives. We are worried about these aims. The Bengalis moved to India and Assam. They were not named as an ethnic group in those places. But they were named as an ethnic group in Myanmar and they would be able to demand the right of secession. For that reason, the government can’t accept the usage of Rohingya,” said U Kyaw Tin.

According to U Kyaw Tin, Rohingyas are just intruders or illegal immigrants but the historical back ground and world historians have been proved Rohingyas as indigenous ethnic minority of Arakan, which was not a part of Burma. In 1784, Arakan was occupied by Burma, and then in 1824, Arakan reached into British rule. In 1948, when the Burma got freedom, Rohingyas were neither intruders nor illegal immigrants.
Read “Early history of Rohingya”

In 1935, while it was British Burma, Rohingyas were voted and elected, then after 1948 till 2010, Rohingyas have voted and elected too. Rohingya MPs were served in all governments, there was a minister too.    

“If those who fled to Bangladesh return to Myanmar, the government would accept them under the 1982 Citizenship Law, but they would not be accepted as an ethnic. Only those who lived in Rakhine State before the annexation of the British were named as the ethnic,” U Kyaw Tin added.
As for 1982 Citizenship law of Myanmar, has been criticized by Aung San Suu Kyi in 2013, said “not in line with international standards and human rights:

“Those returnees could be according to the 1982 Citizenship Law. But they couldn’t be an ethnic group and they have no reason to be an ethnic group. Only those lived in Rakhine State before 1824 when the British occupied Rakhine State were named as ethnic group, Kyaw Tin said.

Rohingya activist tweeted on Myanmar’s denial: #Myanmar doesn't have ways rather than rejection of resolutions. No Criminals used to confess committed crimes, decisions to be taken on the witness & reports of #IFFM, to take serious action.

He added that the usage of Rohingya was not used before 1950, but later this word was invented. There was no Rohingya in historical documents.

Please read here to know “Rohingyas existence in Arakan”

“The British are the ones who can handle the historical data very well. When we looked back the census of Rakhine State before 1948, we did not find Rohingya at all. The use of Rohingya started later 1950. Since then, the use of Rohingya was intended for ethnic rights and therefore the word of Rohingya was invented. It is a historical document,” said Kyaw Tin.

UN investigator: Myanmar is not safe for Rohingyas to return

In dealing with the issue of Rakhine State, the government has to avoid the use of word and therefore the situation can’t make progress as much as it should, Kyaw Tin continued.

“Dealing with the issue of Rakhine State does not advance toward the solution of the problem because the use of Rohingya and Bengali was complex. For that reason, the use of these words has to be avoided. Actually, those entering from India are India Burmese. Those entering from China are Chinese Burmese. Those entering from East Bengal are Bengalis. Bengalis are not Bangladeshi, but they mean Bengal Origin. There are Nepalese and Gorkha coming from Nepal. They do not demand the right of an ethnic group. They don’t invent it as the ethnic group, said Kyaw Tin.

Int’l Conclave on Justice and Accountability for Rohingyas to be held in Hague

Speaking at the ASEAN-UN Ministerial Meeting on September 28, Kyaw Tin said, “If one wishes to make Rakhine a secure and stable environment for the returnees, the government’s capacity to provide security and basic services for all communities must be strengthened not weakened. To that end, he concluded by welcoming the constructive support of partners willing to help with sincerity in resolving the problem.”

Don’t forget to reach here: to know about inhumane of Myanmar against Rohingya.

The government of Myanmar is creating obstacles - debunked ill plans - for Rohingya refugee’s repatriation instead of restoring their rights. A new plan appeared here, saying “Requirements for Citizenship applicants.” As for the note, activists said “It is a new plan to new plan to deny Rohingyas as usual!” Read more:

The author @mir_sidiquee is a Human Rights Activist, DG of R4R (Rohingya Human Rights Initiative) and researcher of Rohingya Crisis