Tuesday, November 22, 2016

ASIAN ULAMA AND NGO MEETING “Unite in Defence of the Oppressed”

Date: 22/11/2016
Kuala lumpur: MAPIM (Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organization) and SHURA on “THE PLIGHT OF ROHINGYA” is organizing a meeting on 29th November 2016.

The meeting is organized with the following Agendas:
1.To unite the Ulama of the region to state their stand on the oppression of the Rohingya in Myanmar
2.To issue a statement of support and solidarity with the Rohingya who are under brutal denial of human rights
3.To lay out a plan of action to resolve the issue of the Rohingya both in and outside of Arakan in Myanmar
4.To draft a statement of demand on the rights of the Rohingya as an official declaration to call for the protection and reinstatement of the citizenship rights in their homeland Arakan.

Meeting Venue and Time:
Date: 29 Nov 2016
Time: 8.30 am – 5 pm
Venue: Hotel Carlton Holiday, Section 13, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
For inquiries contact: Ms. Syafi: 0173984661 / 03 55238545