Conference Calls Int’l Community for Actions against Violence on Rohingya

Rohingya – Break the cycle of Oppression was jointly held by
European Rohingya Council, Rohingya Community Ireland and Burma Action Ireland
on 26th November 2016 in Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow, Ireland, to highlight and
discuss the dire situations of world’s most persecuted Rohingya in Burma, in
particular focus on the ongoing “Clearance Military Operation” taking place
under Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi led government.
It was convened with speakers – Prof. Dr. Abid Bahar (Author
of ‘Burma’s Missing Dots’, Canada), Khairul Amin (ERC Chairman), Dr. Anita
Schug (ERC, Switzerland), Mrs. Marie (Burma Action Ireland), Ronan Lee (PhD
candidate on Rohingya and a former Australian MP) and Eng. Mohammed Siddique
(Rohingya Language Foundation, UK), and chaired by Dr. Ambia Perveen
(Paediatrician, ERC, Germany).