Thursday, November 24, 2016


Desperate Rohingya victims from villages of Maungdaw, whose nests burnt down by Myanmar army, limb to Bangladesh and weep tear of blood on November 21, 2016. (Photo – REUTERS/Mohammad Ponir Hossain)

By Aung Aung
The number of Rohingya rape victims, death, burnt houses, and arrested people is increasing day by day in Maungdaw. International Community urges Myanmar government to stop human rights violation instead of taking immediate action for its cruelest crimes against humanity.

The Genocidal Clearance Operation of Myanmar Government in Maungdaw caused extra-judicial killing of 700 innocent civilians, about 200 gang-raped women, burnt down of 1400 houses, more than a thousand tortures and interrogations, and more than 50000 internally displaced persons.

Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s government arrogantly dismisses all evidence, including satellite imagery of HRW and eyewitness accounts, and persists in denying any wrongdoing as it substitutes the army’s propaganda. The United Nations has called for an investigation into alleged human rights abuses in Myanmar against ethnic Rohingya.

Myanmar has long persecuted the country’s Rohingya minority, denying it basic rights to citizenship, to marry, to worship and to an education. Extra-judicial killing, arrests, persecutions and long prison sentences were common methods of repression under the former military regime, and such practices were continued under the former civilian government elected in 2010. The practice has not ceased rather it extends to the way complete destruction of Rohingya in Arakan.

Rohingya have been under persecution since 1960s and State has started genocidal program against them since 1990s depriving all fundamental rights including Citizenship. Later, in 2012, State organized violence and keep all Rohingya in the concentration camps and ghettos.

Recently under  newly so-called civilian government led Nobel Laureate has started genocidal operations against them in Maungdaw District since 10 October 2016. The only reason of killing, burning, raping and arresting of Rohingya by Myanmar government is the faith they believe in. According to State policy, if they convert to Buddhism, there will be no persecution at all.

The military’s genocidal operation began as a response to an attack on Oct 9 by unknown armed assailants that left nine police officers dead in Maungdaw District. Within 100 days, NLD government let to destroy two Mosques in Hpakant and ThuYe ThaMin, confiscate 100s of Muslims’ cows by Buddhist extremists. The Oct 9 attack may have been set off by an earlier government announcement that it planned to destroy illegal structures in the area, including more than 2,500 homes, 600 shops, a dozen mosques and more than 30 schools.

In September 2015, the Obama administration eased remaining economic sanctions on Myanmar, citing, among other achievements, the new government’s focus on bringing “respect for human rights to its people. But easing sanctions turn to a license to continue Rohingya Genocide and practice apartheid policy against Muslims in Myanmar.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi herself insists on underlining the Rohingya’s foreignness by referring to them as “Bengalis” and argues that the government’s response to the attack is based on “the rule of law.”

Genocidal operations called “clearance operation” forces to leave hundreds of Rohingya whose homes were burnt down and properties were looted by Myanmar military to Bangladesh. Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB)’s push-back poses a serious security threat to the lives of Rohingya refugees and it does not relay the message of good-neighborliness in the time of great despair.

Bangladesh encountered two massive waves of Rohingya refugee influx when King Dragon Operation and Operation Clean Nation (Pyi Thaya) were launched in 1978-79 and 1991-1992 respectively. The first operation forced an estimated 297,000 Rohingya and more than 250,000 in the latter.

The majority of them were forcibly repatriated and the continuous cycle of persecutions made the large part the repatriated Rohingya to become refugees for second time and for some third time. Currently around 500,000 Rohingya scatter across Bangladesh including 32,600 in two registered refugee camps in Kutupalong and Nayapara, more than 57,000 in Leda, Kutupalong and Nayapara unregistered refugee camps.

During my childhood, my grandfather told me the story of Jungle where predators eat praise for their survival. Now, we feel our lives in Myanmar are worse than preys in the Jungle. Though we are in the Global Villages, the World Order, Superpowers and Leaders become kings of the Jungle or predators ignoring the most persecuted Rohingya face genocide.

A grade-8 student asked me “Teacher! According to tradition, all Muslims are like a body, pain any part of the body affects the whole body. Now, Muslims are killing each other everywhere in the name Islam ignoring Quranic principle “Killing one is equal to the whole humanity”. Bangladesh authority does not feel pain of extra-judicial killing of Rohingya in Myanmar. Does Islam really exist on Earth?”

Aung San Suu Kyi is legitimizing genocide in Myanmar and has entrenched the persecution of the Rohingya minority, according to state crime specialists at Queen Mary University of London. Thomas MacManus, lawyer and ISCI researcher says “Aung San Suu Kyi must be held to account.

The Rohingya need strong advocates and they need the world to understand that the persecution they face is genocidal. Only enormous pressure on the Myanmar government will succeed in halting the devastation. The Rohingya are staring death in the face.”