Tuesday, January 17, 2017


ROHINGYA WOMEN from DaGyiZarr village tract, northern Maungdaw are weeping and crying for their family members and waiting for justice

Since 9-Oct-2016, Myanmar Authorities started, "Mass killing," along Maungdaw region, on Rohingya minority by the name of clearance operation. Almost all the village tracts have been attacked by Myanmar Army like “war against a big country” fighting with big enemy, with heavy weapons and gunship helicopters, naval aviation also taking place in this Rohingya ethnic cleansing.

Among many shocking mass killing I got an opportunity to write here, about DaGyizarr Villagers meanwhile UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur Ms.Yanghee Lee visiting along northern Maungdaw.  

Some witness video clips of "Mass Killing" conducted here in #DaGyiZarr village on 13-Nov-2016, used gunship helicopters and heavy arms to kill innocent civilians Rohingya villagers, as they have planned to carry out it.

In this mass carnage, in a single day, Myanmar government Armed forces killed 31 Rohingya from #UttarFara hamlet of #DaGyiZarrVT #MGD north. (Myanmar Army shot, killed, slaughtered, and burned alive on 13-Nov-2016, in a day then 8 others in next days, total 39 Rohingya killed from the hamlet). All the houses also have been burned to ash.

*The old lady said, "Her husband, 5 sons and son-in-law, total 7 persons from her family, were shot and burned on 13-Nov." She is weeping and saying as "Allah, we are waiting for Justice, no justice for us in this world."
All of the other women are in footage, have lost their family members and they are expecting for justice.
*Skulls & bones are also from DaGyiZarr villagers, burned alive on 12/13-Nov-2016, remained after burnt.
*#DaGyiZarrVT (#ChutoGozibil), Maungdaw north, Rohingya burned alive by Myanmar Army on 12/13-Nov2016.
*The ashes and remained black burned body shapes are Mr.Mohammed Alam S/O Idris and his mother Laila, shot then burned. (Idris is in abroad)
*The last one is Kalabanu, an over-aged Rohingya women; widow of Ismail and mother of Shobir Ahmed & Rashid Ahmed from Mazor Fara hamlet of DaGyiZarr village tract. She was slaughtered by Mogh Army (Myanmar Army) on 12-Nov 2016.

Since the 9-Oct-2016, 1000s of peoples arrested some of them released and mostly jailed without any proper justification. More than three 3000 houses and shops, Mosques have been burned. About 400 Rohingya women have been raped. About 500 Rohingyas have been killed (including women and children), the way of killing is too shocking as the video clip shared here.  More than 80% Rohingya houses have been plundered. About a number of 70000 Rohingya have been escaped for their life; refuged to Bangladesh for the fear of mass killing and raping.

UN and world authorities said much but Myanmar Suu Kyi’s Nobel Award, influential personality and popularity with smart voices are shadowing the crimes of Myanmar Army. She used to say “Rule of Law” and “Peace and Harmony” very often to the world forum but she is playing a dirty game against humanity.