Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has never tried to solve Rohingya issue

Aung San Suu Kyi Refuses UN Probe Into Alleged Myanmar War Crimes

By Mir Ahmed Siddiquee

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi can solve the Rohingya issue in a short time, “if she wishes to resolve.”

“She must be treated equally all minorities of Myanmar, including Rohingya Muslim. Her racism and religious segregation is too grisly and becomes obstacle to resolve the problems in all over Myanmar.”

Rohingya issue is the key issue to leave from international pressure. Therefore she should be serially practical on the major issues. 

The major issue to resolve Rohingya issue is “Restore Rohingyas's citizenship rights immediately then adopt equal rights for both Rohingyas and Rakhines in the state meanwhile must take serious action for any racial and religious discrimination”.

There are many other issues to be resolved, those can be materialized serially.

The ongoing genocide is based on racism & extremism, government back nationalist groups are creating unrelated problems within the region, are mainly destabilizing the region and peoples. NVC is unrelated thing for the Rohingyas as Rohiongyas are aborigines of the land but forcing to accept it, is also among major issue to be resolved as early as possible.