Saturday, April 21, 2018

Real traffickers behind the Rohingya boat people

By Aung Aung Sittwe
Rohingya boat people crisis is not a new issue in the World. It has recorded almost all of the World’s media. Thousands of Rohingya died in the dangerous sea journey in hope they could escape from the genocidal ghettos.

Recently, four boats left from Sittwe in March and April. Among those four only one boat reached Malaysia on March 31, two were missing and the latest one which left from Beda beach of Sittwe on 12 April, is on the way to Malaysia.

Why do Rohingya want to embark on a dangerous journey? Who are the real human traffickers in Sittwe? How do the traffickers persuade Rohingya to leave? Where do the Rohingya get money to give those traffickers? Why do the traffickers want to push innocent people to the dangerous sea journey?

It is very risky and sensitive to investigate traffickers as they are well-organized to recruit people. In Sittwe, heads of Army battalion (55) and Police Battalion (36) are real human traffickers. Through Village Administrators, they organize some Rohingya informers who persuade young Rohingya aged 10-30 after taking an oath to keep it confidential.

For each person, battalion officers demand 200,000 kyats. The deal should be between informers and those who are eager to leave. Most of the people do not know that army officers, police and village administrators involve in the trafficking.

Informers demand 500,000-600,000 kyats in cash or amount of gold worth certain amount of money or a person who lives in Malaysia and can promise to pay. Most of the desperate young Rohingya sold their belongings at home in hope they could escape from the ghettos.

If informers can gather 30-40 persons who can give certain amount, they gather another 30-40 people without money or a little amount of money. A boat carries 70-80 people. Three days before the boat’s departure, they gather people inside the boat. There are three departure place; Beda, Ohn Daw and Thae Chaung beach.

As elimination of Rohingya remains State Policy, army officers and authority want to drive all Rohingya out of the Arakan State. Two-third of IDPs in KyaukPyu and MyeBon concentration camps left with the help of police officers, security forces and army officers.

Myanmar authority does not want to resettle Rohingya IDPs in their own places. That is the main reason army officers encourage Rohingya to leave. On the other hand, the restrictions for Rohingya increase day by day; no fundamental right at all including educational right and medical access.

Myanmar leaders have been deceiving the World and committing Rohingya Genocide since 1990. Myanmar generals staged all violence; they killed thousands of Rohingya in the name of communal conflict and clearance operations.

Since August 2017, nearly 700,000 Rohingya have fled a brutal military crackdown in Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships of Arakan State to neighbouring Bangladesh. The refugees have reported killings, rape and arson on a large-scale. The United States and the United Nations have described the situation as ethnic cleansing.

Myanmar has said it is ready to receive the refugees but it has no intention to resettle IDPs, restore their rights and stop State propaganda against Rohingya. The term “Bengali” has been being used for “Rohingya” by the State Media as a State’s genocidal plan.

Tens of thousands of Rohingya fled Myanmar by sea following the State back violence in Rakhine in 2012. 2013 and 2014. Hundreds of Rohingya died in the Andaman Sea, forests of Thailand and Malaysia.