Monday, May 7, 2018

Dhaka Declaration of OIC CFM

Dhaka Declaration 45th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Session of Islamic Values for Sustainable Peace, Solidarity and Development)

Dhaka, People’s Republic of Bangladesh
5-6 May, 2018 (20-21 Sha’aban1439 AH)
1-We, the Foreign Ministers and Heads of Delegations of Member-States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), participants of the 45thSession of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC held in Dhaka, on 5-6 May 2018, under the theme “Islamic Values for Sustainable Peace and Development”, declare as follows:
2-Recognizing the centrality of the OIC as a platform to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between the Member States in the political, security, economic, social, cultural, educational, environmental, humanitarian and other vital areas for sustainable development,
3-Reaffirming the commitment of the Member States to the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the OIC and OIC:2025 Program of Action and, in particular, the relevant provisions seeking to promote and enhance the bonds of unity and solidarity among the Member States and with Muslim Minorities and Communities,
4-Recalling the rich historical contributions of the noble and peaceful religion of Islam and its values to modern civilization especially in the fields of education, moderation, science, culture and enlightenment which empowered and uplifted the human race as well as positively transformed its environment,
5-Noting the prevailing peace and security as well as development challenges including the growing tensions and instability in parts of the world and in particular the Muslim world, aggravated by long standing unresolved conflicts, manifestations of intolerance and deliberate attempts to tarnish a sacred religion, its symbols and stereotype its adherents,
6-Appreciating the initiative of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to host the 45thSession of the CFM and its choice for a theme based on its conviction for the need of a new paradigm rooted in the well tested Islamic values that would restore sustainable peace and development in the Member States through Joint Islamic actions, make the following declaration:
7-We express our profound satisfaction that after over four decades of its establishment, the OIC as the overarching multilateral body of the Muslim world, has continued to raise its profile and visibility at the international level and has become a strategic dialogue partner in the maintenance of international peace and security as well as countering emerging challenges and threats across the OIC space. [We take note of the necessity for full and timely implementation of the OIC 2025 Program of Action through collective action and project based initiatives as identified in the POA Implementation Plan. Accordingly, We urge the Secretary-General to continue reform efforts to transform, strengthen and reposition the Organization as a more effective and efficient one in order to reinforce the unity of the Ummah, ensure durable peace and security and accelerate sustainable socio-economic development in the Member-States.
8-We reaffirm our commitment to respect the security, sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of the Member-states, as well as the need to resolve lingering or emerging disputes and conflicts through negotiations, mediation, conciliation and the use of other peaceful means using political, diplomatic and international legal mechanisms based on the universally recognized principles and norms of international law. In this regard, we call for the full activation of the OIC Peace and Security architecture and the Good Offices of the Secretary-General.
9-We emphasize the centrality of the cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif for the Ummah and reaffirm our principled support for the right of the Palestinian people to regain their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, and to the independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine on the pre-1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, as well as the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in accordance with international law and UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III). In this context, We reaffirm our rejection of the United States’ recent recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and condemn its decision to move its Embassy to the city on May 14 and consider this planned action illegal and in clear defiance of international law and the international community’s collective will, as clearly expressed by the OIC Extraordinary Summit held in Istanbul on 13 December 2017 and the UN General Assembly Resolution no. 10/19, adopted on 21 December 2017.
10-In accordance with the provisions of the final Communique of the OIC Extraordinary Summit, we hold the US Administration fully responsible for all the consequences of its illegal move, which contributes to further aggravating the conflict and emboldening the occupying power's impunity, and reiterate that this move invalidates that American Administration's claimed role of peace broker.
11-In the aftermath of this US illegal move, we call upon all other states to refrain from supporting the US decision and adhere to relevant UN Security Council resolutions that ban such illegal moves of diplomatic missions to Al-Quds Al Sharif; we also reiterate the OIC Extraordinary summit’s conclusions in this regard, which considered the relocation of diplomatic missions to Al-Quds Al Sharif as a violation of the historical, legal, natural and national rights of the Palestinian people and a deliberate undermining of all peace efforts,
12-We invite all members of the international community to remain committed to the status of Al-Quds al-Sharif and all related UN Resolutions, in line with the relevant decisions of the Final Communique of the OIC Extraordinary Summit in Istanbul and Istanbul Declaration on "Freedom for Al-Quds.
13-We condemn the illegal policies and practices of Israel, the occupying power against the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories including East Jerusalem and call for the complete cessation of all Israeli violations of international law, including an immediate end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip, all colonial settlement activities, demolition of Palestinian homes, killing, injuring and detention of Palestinian civilians including children, the illegal annexation and Judaization of occupied East Jerusalem and all attempts to alter its demographic composition, character and history, and provocation and incitement at Al-Haram al-Sharif and Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli occupying force and extremist settlers. We also call for the immediate release of all Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centers.
14-We express deep concern over the recent systematic brutal acts perpetrated by security forces against the Rohingya Muslim Community in Myanmar that has reached the level of ethnic cleansing, which constitute a serious and blatant violation of international law, and which has affected over 370,000 Rohingya who have been forcibly displaced to Bangladesh and other countries across the region, in addition to the burning of their houses and places of worship. In this regard, we commend the personal leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in addressing the plight of the most persecuted people in the world and seek strong International support to resolve the crisis and full implementation of the recommendations put forward by the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State (Annan Commission).
15-We underline the importance of OIC members states continuing to remain engaged in the UN system including in the UNGA and Human Rights Council as well as with other relevant international organizations to address the massive human rights violations of the Rohingya Muslims taking into account the recent developments.
16-We also reaffirm our full solidarity with Bangladesh in the face of the huge Rohingya influx with its humanitarian and security consequences for the country and with the Rohingyas, victims of the state backed violence in Myanmar. We express our appreciation to the Member States who have taken immediate action and delivered humanitarian aid to the camps in Bangladesh and further call for more assistance from all the Member States to enable Bangladesh cope with the flow of forcibly displaced Rohingyas from Myanmar into its territories.
17-We welcome the resolution adopted on the situation of the Rohingya community of Myanmar and in this regard, agree to address the accountability issue for the violations of human rights against the Rohingyas in Myanmar through formation of an ad hoc ministerial committee, to be chaired by Gambia.
18-We underline the need for earliest stabilization of the situation in the South East and Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa and other parts of the African continent by way of urgent political resolution of all crises and conflicts to avoid their destructive and negative impact, in accordance with the principles of the UN and OIC Charters and universally recognized international norms, in order to bring to an end the sufferings of the affected people and the resultant migration and displacement of population. In this context, We reaffirm our firm solidarity with Azerbaijan, Sudan, Comoros, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Mali, Somalia, Cote d’Ivoire, Central African Republic, Kosovo, Jammu and Kashmir and Northern Cyprus as well as all Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-OIC Member States within the established principle of the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States in which they belong consistent with international law and agreements.
19-We emphasize the need for return of durable peace and stability in Afghanistan is an important factor in maintaining and strengthening security not only in the vast Asian continent, but also around the world and reiterate support for the settlement of the Afghan conflict through an inclusive Afghan-led process of national reconciliation and encourage the OIC efforts to convene an International Ulema Conference aimed at political reconciliation and restoring peace, security and stability in Afghanistan.
20-We reaffirm our strong condemnation of the atrocious and callous terrorist attacks that have occurred against the Member States and in various parts of the world and convey our full sympathy and solidarity emphasizing that Islam is a religion of peace and does not in any way legitimize the monstrous acts of barbarity and mass murder carried out by terrorist groups against innocent people. We highlight the threat that violent extremism and terrorism pose to all societies as well as to international peace and security and call for greater collaboration and cooperation between the Member States to prevent and combat terrorism committed by whomsoever in all its forms and manifestations as well as illicit trafficking in weapons, drugs and human being and renew our unwavering commitment to strengthen partnership between the OIC and other international and regional organizations in the field.
21-We further underscore our support to all endeavors to achieve nuclear disarmament and the elimination of other weapons of mass destruction as a mean s to further strengthen international peace and security.
22-We note that with the existing realities of the 21st century, which is known to be the age of globalization, information & communication technology, the Internet, and growing competition in the world space, as well as the world market, priority attention must be given to increasing investments, development of human capital and building the capacities of women and the youth as the most important value and a decisive power in achieving the objectives of sustainable development, modernization and renewal.
23-We call on the Member-States and relevant OIC institutions to continue and further expand their programs and activities in the field of higher education, science and technology and in particular in the framework of Educational exchange program, endeavor to improve training programs and courses, strengthen the links between higher educational institutions, promote joint scientific and research projects, establish scholarships and programs for technical and vocational training.
24-We commend the convening of the 1st Youth CFM, held in Dhaka, on 04 May 2018, as the youth segment of the 45th CFM in line with decisions of the special brainstorming session at the Ministerial level on “Youth, Peace and Development in a World of Solidarity”, held during the 44th CFM on 11 July 2017 in Abidjan. We appreciate the Government of Bangladesh for coordinating with the Islamic Conference Youth Forum for Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC) the holding of such important youth gathering, and we call on the host of the 46th CFM to consider organizing the 2nd edition of the Youth CFM in 2019 in coordination with the ICYF-DC and recognized national youth institution.
25-We also stress the need for the dissemination of knowledge about enlightened Islam as an important tool to combat terrorism, violent extremism and religious fanaticism. We highly appreciate the comprehensive efforts to combat radicalization and extremism based on the true values of Islam and welcome the establishment and strengthening of the OIC Messaging centre, “Sawt Al Hikmah”
26-We take note of the long term development challenges faced by member states and in this context, we commend the recent achievements of Bangladesh in various socio economic areas resulting in the recognition of fulfilling the criteria for graduation from the category of LDCs for the first time. We take note that this is a significant step towards the realization of Vision 2021 for attaining the middle income country status as well as Vision 2041 for achieving the developed country status.
27-We took note of the World Economic Forum’s recently published “Gender Gap Index of 2017” that ranked Bangladesh first in gender equality among South Asian nations for the second consecutive year. The “Gender Gap Index of 2017” highlights Bangladesh’s success in four key areas: education, economic participation, health, and political empowerment. We commend Bangladesh for its tremendous advancement in empowering women in the society and bringing changes in traditional and conservative male dominated society.
28-We reaffirm the leading role of the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) in complementing the efforts of the Member-States in the development of science, innovation and technologies, promoting research and joint programs and call upon the Member States to actively implement the outcome of the OIC Summit on Science and Technology held last year in Astana, Kazakhstan.
29-We underline the importance of intra-OIC economic cooperation and sharing experience among OIC Member States in addressing the issues related to of economic slowdown, introducing the innovative technologies, forming a favorable investment and business climate, implementing the long term mutually beneficial projects in priority areas of cooperation and infrastructure development to transform our societies and commend the role being played by COMSEC, IDB and other OIC Institutions in promoting intra OIC trade and exchange.
30-We support the efforts of the OIC Member-states on the implementation of national programs for renewable energy and creation of an innovative economy, and call to continue studying international best practices in this area.
31-We note that in the conditions of depletion of natural resources and exacerbation of problems in the field of protection and preservation of the environment, ecosystem and biodiversity, and emphasize the need for a robust global cooperation on climate change especially for countries vulnerable to adverse consequences to climate change, including adequate financing, transfer of technology, and capacity building support from developed to developing nations. In this context, [we applaud the role of Bangladesh in environmental protection campaign, particularly in setting up a Climate Change Trust Fund out of own resources, in conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and maritime resources and hope that the country would continue in such leading role.
32-We affirm the special importance of the development of tourism, as a key economic sector which contributes to a long-term sustainable growth, socio-economic development, and as consequently, enhancement of mutual understanding and promotion of tolerance among diverse peoples and cultures.
33-We underline the importance of healthcare in ensuring high living standards and prosperity of society as a whole, and in this context, call for the effective and full implementation of the «OIC Strategic Health Program of Action 2014-2023», as well as welcome the strengthening of cooperation of the OIC with relevant international partners in the sphere of health care.
34-We also underline the importance of the OIC-UN cooperation in terms of achieving our shared interests and common goals and further underscore our support for an enhanced observer status of the OIC in the UN.
35-We welcome the proposal made by……….to hold the 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in…….2019.
36-We appreciate the readiness of The Gambia to host 14th Islamic Summit in Banjul in 2019 and urged all the Member States to participate at the highest level. We also call on them to extend the necessary assistance to the country for a successful hosting of the Summit.
37-We express our appreciation to the Secretary General of the OIC His Excellency Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen for his overall efforts in promoting the interests of the Ummah and Joint Islamic Action in order to achieve the goals, vision and mission of the OIC in the various domains.
38-We further commend his efforts to deepen cooperation and partnership of the OIC with regional, sub-regional and international organizations and in particular, the UN and its institutions.
39-Finally, we express our deep appreciation to the people and the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for a warm hospitality and excellent arrangements which ensured the success of the 45th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers under the motto «Islamic Values for Sustainable Peace and Development».