Monday, October 4, 2021

What next for the Rohingya refugees?

The ARU called to end radical activities in refugee camps in its official statement

By Mir Ahmed Sidiquee

The Rohingya crisis is a top issue for the world community that remained unsolved. It was created by the governments of Burma (Myanmar), has been based on hatred and dissimilarity of faith.

The Rohingyas are blatantly denied citizenship and basic human rights, also being treated as sub-humans in Myanmar by the governments and murderous Tatmadaw together with extremist Buddhists of Myanmar (so call Nationalists).

Indeed, the Rohingyas are historical people of Arakan, sons of the soil of Arakan, undeniable historical pieces of evidence are available inside Arakan and worldwide.

The Rohingyas are suffering from the government's back genocidal campaign for years. The final stage has been carried out in 2017, it was extraordinary among many stages, driven out million Rohingyas to bordering Bangladesh, thousands of Rohingyas have been mercilessly killed, raped, burned alive, hundreds of Rohingya villages have been partially or entirely burned amongst about 50 of them have been bulldozed and built infrastructures for settlement of Buddhists and their security.

The heinous crimes and inhumanities, the Myanmar government has committed, are pending in the world courts, meanwhile, the international community is trying its best for the repatriation of Rohingya refugees to their homes, with their rights, justice, security, and dignity but the government of Myanmar - either so call people's governments or Military - is fooling to the world by playing games of denial.

The remaining Rohingyas inside Arakan are too suffering as well, all those are in open prisons either they are in IDP camps or in their villages, at the targets of a Buddhist rebel group, namely the Arakan Army (AA) and Myanmar military, both are murderous and in same ways and planned to drive out the Rohingya Muslims from Arakan by anyways.

Read more:

The UN and international community have been failed to initiate a peace process for the Rohingya refugees, to return to their homes. Similarly, the land where their homes to turn back is also not peaceful at all, both rebels and the Myanmar military are on watch, waiting to kick out the remaining Rohingyas, forcibly Banglizing them.

The officials used to say to the remaining Rohingyas that "you have options; accept this NVC (genocide card) or go out or ready to go jail or ending life." Many Rohingyas died, were jailed, and fled for the NVC, which is called genocide card, one of the main sources of the Rohingya crisis. 

The government of Bangladesh is trying its best together with the world community, for dignified and voluntary repatriation of Rohingya refugees to their original homes. There are more than a million Rohingya refugees residing terribly in Cox's Bazar, a big burden for Bangladesh.

Rohingya leader's assassination

On 29th, September 2021, at about 8:30 PM, a top leader of Rohingya refugees, Mr. Mohibullah, 48 years, has been murdered by the radical extremists, at his office in Lambasia refugee camp. He was the Chairman of ARSPH (Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights), reached to the UN Human Rights Council (Geneva) to talk for the Rights of Rohingya and visited the White House, met with former US president Trump, exposed the ignorance of Rohingya genocide, in 2019.

Read here: to know about Molana Abdullah, a popular Rohingya scholar, abducted by the radical extremist group.

Read here: to know about Arif Ullah, a higher educated Rohingya activist, brutally murdered by the radical extremist group.

The world cried and condemned the assassination of the top leader, Mr. Mohibullah, hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas and non-Rohingyas have been honored the martyrdom and participated in his funeral on 30th, and mourned by hundreds of Rohingya organizations & international communities, such as the UN, US, INGOs, NGOs, CSOs, Human Rights organizations, state heads, and political leaders of countries, popular public figures and scholars, meanwhile, all those have called to the government of Bangladesh for a thorough investigation for the brutal murder. Read more:  

UN, US condemn the killing of Rohingya refugee leader in Bangladesh:  

Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen said in a statement that “vested” interests were responsible for the killing as Mohibullah had wanted to return to Myanmar. “The killers of Mohibullah must be brought to justice.”

Moreover, the ARU (Arakan Rohingya Union) - a legitimate representative of the persecuted Rohingya community, an umbrella of 61 Rohingya organizations, recognized by OIC - called to the international community to support the government of Bangladesh, in battling to end the activities of the radical extremist group from Rohingya refugee camps. Read more: 

Note: The photos are credited to the owner.

The author: @mir_sidiquee, is a Human Rights Activist.