Sunday, May 8, 2022

"Very similar to a final stage of genocide"

 The sufferings of the Rohingya refugees in the camps of Bangladesh are "very similar to a final stage of genocide." 

By @mir_sidiquee 

Bangladesh has played a very commendable role in rescuing the Rohingya from the ongoing genocide in Burma. Unfortunately, the Rohingya refugees are now facing again a similar situation - which they have faced in their native land - of racism in Bangladesh too. 

Genocide does not mean massacring or massive killing of all, which is the last stage of the criteria of genocide. There are many issues linked to the criteria of genocide. 

Read here about genocide:

 The Rohingyas have escaped genocide in Burma but still facing the stages of genocide in the camps of Bangladesh. Such as discrimination, persecution, restrictions, inhumane treatment, and birth control are parts of genocide that are faced widely not only inside Arakan but in Rohingya refugee camps of Bangladesh. 

The Rohingya refugees are frequently subjected to inhumane treatment in the mainstream of Bangladesh and on social media.

The plight of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh is a collective punishment for the crimes committed by a few people in the communities. The government of Bangladesh claimed that the crime rate in the Rohingya refugee camps is higher than in other parts of Bangladesh or anywhere in the world. Most of the crimes committed in the refugee camps are linked to the joint criminal gangs - comprising Rohingyas and localhost Bangladeshis. Instead of collectively punishing the entire community, the authorities could find out and remove the criminal gangs from the camps.

Recently, the movement of refugees inside the camps has been severely restricted and the camps are surrounded by double barbed-wire fences. Refugees are required to obtain special permission to visit relatives in the camps, which is worse than the Burmese junta. 

Refugees are barred from using android phones and accessing dry goods. And even barred to access emergency medical facilities, hardly getting permission by giving bribes to the camp authorities. 

The authorities recently demolished the schools which have been designated for refugee children. Harassments and extortions are too widely going on against starving refugees. As the situation worsens, the survivors of the genocide, the Rohingyas, are in a state of shock and despair.

Dignified and safe repatriation is a key solution to solving this crisis, meanwhile, it is highly anticipated that should not force for repatriation as long as there is no secure environment, conducive for them, in accordance with refugee rights and procedures. Moreover, must be ensured of their rights of nativity and all others which they have lost.